A Semi-Idle, Semi-Clicker prototype! Research attributes of different types of plants to earn more money, allowing more research, which earns more money! When you're ready just hit Reset and you'll be able to choose new attributes to research, while carrying some of your previous research over!

It's a viceous wonderful cycle!


Devonshire Waltz Moderato by Kevin MacLeod

Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/7916-devonshire-waltz-moderato

License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Game Maths:
Number of collections = (1 + Density) * Bounty
Earnings = (Plant Base Earnings + Size) * (Texture + Taste + Color) * (Achievement bonuses)
Growth Speed = ((Plant Growth Speed - Variability) + (Plant Growth Speed - Fertilizer)) * Number of Growth Stages
Would you like to see development on this project continue?

Your vote matters! How it works: For every $1 you donate to this project you add 1 vote towards continued development!

e.g.: If two fans each donate $1 to the project (one vote each) then one item in the Tier A list will be developed! But if five people donate $2 each then they have a combined 10 votes, meaning FIVE Tier A items will be completed!
Upcoming Updates (2 votes each):
  • Update Currency tiers
  • Assistant Income
    • Add research for Assistants to generate more passive income.
  • Auto-Harvester Performance
    • Add research to collect more plants per cycle
  • Update Carrot growth animation
  • Add Beetroot growth animation
  • Add Turnip growth animation
  • Add Tomato growth animation
  • Add Brussels Sprout growth animation
  • Add Bell Pepper growth animation
  • [Temporary] Add system to plant random seeds for variety.
    • Initial systems design for the first item in Tier C
    • These plants do not yet have custom earnings, growth, etc.
  • Update all Tooltips to include relevant information
  • "Researched [0, 0, 100]" isn't helpful outside of development!
  • Harvester Artwork and Animation
  • Seed Planter Artwork and Animation
  • Researcher UI Artwork and Animation
  • Change outlier icons to be more uniform in design
  • Begin growing all plants associated with their research bonus
    • Currently, only Carrots actually grow, with base earnings of $2.
    • Different plants will have different growth stages and earnings.
    • Add a small amount of additional research earned when picking plants.
    • Land Management
      • Increases the number of plots meaning more spaces to grow plants!
    • Irrigation
      • Adds the ability to affect Variability in plant growth.
      • This is the Yin to fertilizer's Yang
    • Add Asparagus
      • Research allows plants to skip entire growth cycles!
    • Artwork and UI unification!
    • Sound Effects and More Music!
    • More Juice (special effects)

Items in the list are subject to change! New items are sure to be added as development continues, while current items may shift around if development costs are found to be higher or lower than expected.

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